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[Please place your order after reading and agreeing with the notes below. ]



Additional fees may apply to in the following cases.

1. When a two-coat color is applied an additional fee of 50%.
2. When removing old paint with a release agent.
3. Cleaning of grease and oil.
4. Insertion, lettering, and polishing of logos, symbols, etc.
 There is a 20,000yen charge for rush jobs!
. Extra charges will apply for parts in need of disassembly or dismantling.  

7.The price depends on the condition, shape, size and weight of the object to be painted.
8.Prices in the price list do not include tax.

9.The fee schedule is set for June, 2024.


10.Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Customers may receive all WORKPIECE after payment is completed. If the powder coating is completed and not picked up after 90 days, WORKPIECE will become the property of POWDER COATING OKINAWA, regardless of whether or not payment has been made. During the powder coating process, the product is fired at a temperature of 200°C. We are not responsible for any damage or effects resulting from this process. We are not responsible for the effects of stripping agents or sandblasting media on WORKPIECE when sandblasting or removing old paintings. Depending on the condition of the material or design of WORKPIECE, it may not be possible to reproduce the colors as shown in the color swatches. After completing the powder coating, if customer's personal preference requests for color change there will be the additional charge. We will not remove the coating even if you are not satisfied with the finished product (except in cases where we are at fault). If there are any problems with the results of the work, please contact us when you receive the WORKPIECE. We will not respond to any correspondence after you leave the shop. Please also read the reverse side.


Media blasting or remover is use to remove old paint of parts due as the pre-treatment process. Customer expressly acknowledges the existence of the pre-existing damage to parts described above and releases POWDER COATING OKINAWA from any liability or loss in connection with such damage,including exacerbation of the described damage. Customer is responsible for all interior & exterior cleaning prior to placing items back in to use. 
During the powder coating process, it is placed in a drying oven about 400F. Must be removed heat sensitive and non-painted accessories before the process. We do not take responsibility for damage to items removed per customer request, thermal deformation and deterioration.
We are not responsible for the disassembly. Parts must be disassembled before the powder coating and sandblasting process. We are not responsible for damage to items we are tasked with disassembling.
Cast aluminum and magnesium parts may experience an out-gassing and/or bubbling in the finished powder coat. We will take every precaution to avoid out-gassing; however, we will not be held responsible for bubbling caused by porous castings.
We can not sandblast a chrome-plated component.

If you are looking for a really smooth finish we need a really smooth substrate to start with. If you would like us to sand out the defects prior to top coating to get a smoother finish it will cost extra and some defects cannot be completely removed.
The pencil hardness of the powder coated surface is 2H. It is about as hard as a hard acrylic resin, so scratches will occur. It also melts in acetone or heat over 100℃ and does not completely prevent rust. Powder coating does not make the workpiece new.
If powder coating gets on the screw holes or connection areas, the thickness will increase by that amount. To prevent this, we will use heat-resistant silicone plugs and heat glass tape to mask the screw holes, etc. If another masking is required, please notify us in advance. We will not be responsible for coating areas that have not been notified.
We warrant against cracking, peeling, or excessive fading due to normal climatic exposure. We Powder Coating upon notice and determination of valid claim will re-coat parts at their own expense. This warranty does not cover items that may rust or corrode due to the improper design, construction or fabrication of the item(s). Water traps or tight areas may not be able to be coated. These areas may lead to premature corrosion and are not the responsibility of us. Damage to the finish coating, caused by mechanical abuse such as scratches rough handling, installation, or vandalism is not covered by this warranty. Design and/or welding flaws, such as pinholes, overlapping steel placements, or non-sealed welds that allow moisture to build up and cause rust are not covered by this warranty. This warranty shall apply to the repair or replacement of coatings (at our discretion) of the material involved and shall not include.  

当店は、通常の気候下で起こるひび割れ、はがれ、過度の退色に対して保証します。この保証はワークの複雑なデザイン、構造または製法の為に錆びたり腐食する可能性のあるワークは対象外です。水がたまる箇所や狭く奥まった箇所はコーティングできません。これらの領域での不具合は免責です。乱雑な取扱い、取り付け、破壊行為などによるコーティングの損傷は、 この保証の対象外です。ピンホール、重なった鋼材の配置、シールされていない溶接部など、湿気がたまり錆びを起こすことがある設計および溶接の欠陥は、この保証の対象外です。この保証は、関連する材料のコーティングの修理または交換(当店の裁量による)に適用されるものとし、設置、撤去、機器、輸送費などの間接的費用には適用されません。

If there is a mistake in the handling method of the requested item, we will compensate for the accident. Any dispute arising out of the application of these standards shall be at the discretion of a third party on request. 

Contents of negligence (過失内容)
Damage in the construction process. (施工過程での損傷)
The whereabouts of the requested goods are unknown and lost (Only requested items with deposit records).
Damage due to other causes shall be based on the judgment of a specialized agency.


Terms of compensation (賠償条件)
It is applicable only when our order confirmation is confirmed. 当店の受注確認書がある場合に限り、適用となります。
The determination of liability shall be based on the appraisal or judgment of a specialized agency or insurance company for the product.
The maximum amount of compensation is 200,000 yen at the current price of the requested item, repair cost, or the equivalent, whichever is lower.
We cannot return the damage compensation or refund the processing cost.
We will not accept any payment other than compensation for requested items such as consolation money.


Not subject to compensation (賠償対象外)
We do not accept liability for damages in the following cases. 

Where the manufacturer (Manufacturer) is negligent in planning, manufacturing, etc. 

Where there is negligence in the customer's method of use and storage, etc.

Costs required for strengthening, modifying, and engraving requested items.

Damage to the product is caused by wear or deterioration.

WORKPIECE receipts notices after the customer have left the shop.

90 days have passed since we received the requested item.

Other similar negligence by the customer.


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